Monday, April 20, 2020

International Security, Its Components and Importance

Security is a form of protection against danger, damage, loss and crime, rendering one to be at peace all the time. Security is a basic want. International security on the other hand refers to the measures that are under taken by international bodies or organizations like United Nation to enhance and ensure safety of people.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on International Security, Its Components and Importance specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The measures that are taken to ensure safety and security are: military actions and also the signing of treaties after an agreement. The aim of international security is to carry out an extensive search into a situation, identify the problem, carry an analysis to the cause of the problem and eventually, provide a solution that works right for the problem (Miller 1). International Security entirely comprises of human security and safety. Human security is the most important or the fundamental component of international security. Human survival, human dignity and safety are entirely dependent on the right to feel secure. Human security is viewed as the preservation of human rights, that is, not violating human rights and prevention of violence to the people. International security should rightly concentrate on human development and not the buying of arms in anticipation of security threats (Art Waltz 34). In an instance like the Iraq violence, the Iraq government carried out all diplomatic ways in the effort to reach a peaceful solution of the crisis and all their efforts were unsuccessful. This lead to the authorization of United Nation members to undertake all the necessary steps in order to restore and uphold peace and also restore international security and peace in that area. All these efforts by the Security Council, to allow U.N undertake peace resolution was in order to effectively enhance human security (Clemens 15). Another fundamental component of International Security is economic security and political security. When a country, state or region in the world is faced with conflict or crisis the International security seeks to restore the security of the economy. This is because in an instance crisis, a country is likely to face unemployment, level of poverty rise, there is lack of income due to hunger of its citizens and lack of basic health. Crisis cause disease invasion and unhealthy lifestyles of the people. Politically, it is evident that crisis lead to political repression, torture of the citizens, detentions, imprisonments and violation of human rights. International security seeks to determine the root causes of wars and prevent the wars in order to enhance political security (Cohen 3).Advertising Looking for essay on international relations? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More International security identifies ethnic conflict and peacekeeping, post cold war secu rity problems, regional security, nuclear forces and strategies, arms control and weapons proliferation diplomatic and military history. It should guarantee countries that they are living in a society that honors basic human rights and personal peace that ranges from peace from state torture, war from other states, crime from individuals and gangs and also workplace or traffic accidents. International Security is not only focused on studing threats, but also a study of which threats that can be tolerated and which require immediate action. It is not about power but peace keeping since involving peace in two parties that still wish to engage in conflict, requires so much commitment (Clemens 22). International security is very important since it helps to resolve internal conflicts and halt local violence hence safeguarding human rights from violation. Works Cited Art, Robert and Waltz, Kenneth. The use of force – Military Power and International  Politics. New York: Universit y Press of America, 2004 Clemens, Walter. Dynamics of international relations: conflict and mutual gain. San Diego University: Allworth Press, 1998. 13-24. Print. Miller, Steven. International Security. New York: Harvard University Press, 2001. Print.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on International Security, Its Components and Importance specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This essay on International Security, Its Components and Importance was written and submitted by user Jaidyn Nolan to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

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